HINGHAM, measure, January. 04, 2008 ( BUSINESS WIRE) — Talbots, Inc. ( NYSE: TLB) today announces that after a complete evaluation its takes business, it out its Talbots Kids and Talbots Mens of concepts by September 2008 Die decision is part Talbots of the strategic business review, which was announced on more October 9 2007, which is expected in the first quarter by 2008 to be accomplished. The strategic review uncovered that these concepts did not show the potential, acceptable long-term return on investment to supply Die Executivmanagementmannschaft, with which full Board the Companys of the directors support, placed die firmly, die these business adjusts, makes possible Talbots, Inc., operational funds to readdress and capital toward to its main business ranges, including die Talbots Ms, the Petites, the Womans, die accumulation, die Accessories and die shoes and J. Jill girl, the Petites and the Womans. Trudy F. Sullivan, Talbots, Inc., who are president and Chief the Executiv commentates more Officer, ” This is a very important strategic movement, die greatly to our ability to the focus contributes and our to kernmarken again animated and supportable long-term shareholder value supplies with. By taking these concepts out, we can exclusively concentrate on nuclear force our companys - age 35 plus female, in which we believe there, important is market opportunity for profitable growth in our the Talbots and J. Jill in the marks.” “I would like herzlichst to thank everyone, which more over die years considerable time and effort invested, if it developed Talbots Kids and Mens. Unfortunaty must we this difficult decisions to meet, die help to grow and improve our core business.” Talbots, Inc. closes approximately 78 memory in the United States as result this the decision and including 66 Talbots Kids and 12 Talbots Mens memory. Reasoning works approximately 800 full and part time positions or approximately 5% the Talbots Inc.. Total crew out. Kw_Company regards ways to more offer as die participants concerned of other opportunities, where feasible. As if these activities, takes Company at present by approximately in front $100 million on on one year a referred basis to be affected the gross income result. Talbots, Inc. expects at present that the continual functional use, which results from these closings would be approximately $13 to $15 million, or $0,15 to $0,18 per diluted portion, on on one year a referred basis. Talbots, Inc. anticipates die vat expenses, die with closings of approximately $5 million is connected, or $0,06 per diluted portion of the fourth quarter of 2007. practical that whole this charge is connected with the impairment by transfer store level values. In addition expects Company to take itself on vat expenses from approximately $34 to $42 million or $0,40 to $0,49 per diluted portion fiscal 2008th Die majority of this charge is renting commitments and impairment by transfer store level values zuzuschreibend. Fourth quarterly update separately, Talbots, Inc. announced also today that its quarter — date to the sales for his Talbots and J. Jill marks below its expectations bend. With the important month January of the calm ahead, Company the will die further provides concerning information is its prospect for fourth quarterly income per portion, if he reports paragraph successes of the fourth quarter on its on February 7, 2008. Kw_Company fort, store drives growth, productivity and selling ways as part its strategic business review to evaluate and die additional information concerning is its 2008 functioning plan on March 12, 2008 will make available, if it reports on fiscal operating result 2007 of the fourth quarter and the full yearly. Talbots, Inc. is prominently more internationally specializedtechnical and directmarketingspezialist the dress, the shoes and that a accessories womens. Kw_Company at present a total quantity of 1.428 memory in 47 states, the district of Colombia, Canada and Great Britain, leaves with which 1,157 memory runs more under the Talbots label name and 271 memory more under the J. Jill label name. Both marks aim die age 35 plus customer population. Talbots mark is on-line buying place of assembly www.talbots.com and the J. Jill mark on-line buying place of assembly is on on www.jjill.com. The preceding thing contains the forward looking of of information within the meaning Private collateral law case improvement Act from 1995. These may statements are marked by such forwardlooking terminology, as ” expect,” “view,” “,” “will anticipate,” “prospect,” “,” “became,” a “goal,” “would furnish,” or similar statements or changes of such designations would believe. All die “prospect” information ( including exit expenses, future comparable sales, future incomes, future EPS and more other future financial achievement or functioning mass expected expected future incomes effect, more expected future functional use) sets the forward looking of of information Our for prospect and more other from of forwardlooking statements is based on series of expectations, acceptance firmly, estimations and projections over Company, die substantial dangers and uncertainty, including acceptance and die projections regarding is the exit costs and TIMING, result of switchings in landlords and more other third parties, exit plan inventory level, estimations and sales, store traffic, level store sales refers, and our internal plan and Budget our for the regular price selling and price discount, which sell during the indicated forward periods. All our prospect of and more other of forwardlooking statements are starting from that date of this release only. Kw_Company box giving insurance that such prospect or expectations prove takes up themselves sake to reflect in order to be correct and or the plan to update or improve to no “prospect” information or no more other forwardlooking statements, in order actual results does not change in the acceptance, into which estimations arise or in the projections, or die of other circumstances, die after that date of this, releases, even if such results, changes or circumstances it for free area form that no forwardlooking information is not carried out. Any public statements or release through us the following this release, die any the prospect change or affect, or more other die forwardlooking statements, die to be inside contained or, this accompanying release, one means, in order to change, or, to replace such prospect or statements inside refer you or, this Our forwardlooking statements accompanying release, die well-known and unknown dangers of the substantial one and die uncertainties regarding future cases, to which may or may not occur, more whether our including recently strategic announced review our the enterprises and all important changes, those may result or in connection with such process our favourably productivity and profitability in the Kw_shortbezeichnung or the Long term and the TIMING possibly such affairs, affects die danger, which functional use expected to be carried out from of our exit of plans becomes or may take more longer obtained, in order to obtain than expected, acceptance of the way of the Companys, die its kind of season and way including is, effectiveness of the mark consciousness and paragraph programs of the Companys and the new promoting rhythm strategy and somehow different or no increased negative tendencies in its regular price or the price discount, which sells, die small economic situation, die consumers including is, that, expenditure bends, current Gehae use publishes and uncertainty in the financial and credit markets, success of our expected cases of marketing in driving store traffic and store and marketing sales, success our the catalogs in driving our direct marketing sales and in driving store traffic, ability if the Companys direct successfully to be accomplished in order to anticipate and react successfully too constantly changing customer taste and preferences and to the produce suitable balance of the goods victims, ability the Companys to sell its goods at regular prices as well as its ability, to its sale cases, the die TIMING and die levels of price discounts including is and suitable balance of of the existing price discount inventory our ability to estimate around exact and prognosis future, which volume cunning and the price discount, which sell for everyone of our, burns, die success of our, main leader current level searches, die danger that the J. Jill is not successfully integrated business, die danger in, die die cost saving, realize as expected die functional efficiencies and die of other synergies J. Jill of the acquisition, which is more longer, fully to be carried out or may take may, connected die danger with successful to integrate and profitably and functions as multi-mark chain for first time and die reaction of Talbots and J. Jill customer and supplier to the changes, die within organization was formed. In each case actual results may more differ materially of such forwardlooking information. It determined other factors that may cause actual results are enclosed to more differ by such forwardlooking statements in periodic report of the Companys arranged with the shares and the Exchange commission and existing on the Talbots web site more under “relations between the investors” and you become carefully more consider all these factors pushed. SOURCE: The Talbots, Inc.. Talbots, Inc. Julie Lorigan, 781-741-7775 President, vice-relations between the investors or Betsy Thompson, director 781-741-4066, enterprise communications and Public relations or Berne communications group of investor/central relations: Stacy Berns/Melisse Jaffin, copyright 212-994-4660 Business Wire 2008
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