Dear Son and Daughter ndash; in ndash; law, I was thinking of my granddaughter rsquo; s first birthday coming up this month and wondered whether you thought about her and her sister rsquo; s sleeping arrangements. Becoming a 1 ndash; year ndash; old is kind of a milestone. Before you know it, she’ll be walking and into the next stage of growing up. The crib passed on to her from her 3 ndash; year ndash; old sister will soon seem out of place, like training wheels on a LeMond racing bike. A new bed would be a stepping stone from infancy to childhood, don rsquo; t you think? Being the furniture lover that I am, I decided to hunt around for a bed for my second, and soon ndash; to ndash; be ndash; 1 ndash; year ndash; old granddaughter. Of course, it rsquo; s your decision whether to buy a bed. After all, you rsquo; re the parents. I rsquo; m only the Grandpa hellip; the wise, raised ndash; two ndash; great ndash; kids Grandpa! So in thinking about my two precious granddaughters, I rsquo; ve come up with these bed arrangements and suggestions for your consideration: If the girls keep their separate rooms, then consider giving the older sister rsquo; s toddler bed to her younger sister and replacing it with a Daydream Sleigh Bed by Harden Furniture. It has a beautiful lavender and white wash finish, and a contemporary scalloped headboard and footboard with custom butterfly overlays. And you can get it in a Twin or Full size. I rsquo; m also partial to Harden rsquo; s Hermosa Pine Mates Bed. It features a bookcase headboard, three drawers of storage space underneath, and a Spanish style with a pine finish. Definitely a more rustic look. Oh, and one other to consider: The Emily Metal Canopy Bed by Hillsdale Furniture. Such a pretty little girl rsquo; s bed with a white powder ndash; coat finish, a canopy frame and headboard and footboard grills. You at least have to see this one. If you ever think about putting the two girls together in the same room, then check out these attractive choices: The Summer Breeze Bunk Bed by Legacy Classic Furniture has a white Twin ndash; over ndash; Twin bed design with an optional under ndash; bed storage unit. It has sturdy guard rails and solid hardwood construction. Truly a classic. The Cape Cod Satin White 3 ndash; In ndash; 1 Twin frasl; Twin Bunk Bed by the Powell Company features a country design with a soft glossy finish and optional under ndash; bed storage drawers. This bed allows you to separate the beds into two Twin size beds or stack them to make bunk beds. Great versatility. And one more to consider: The Newton Loft Bed by SouthShore Furniture. It has a natural maple finish with two Twin beds, plus a desk with three drawers for storage and a light. Perfect for those school days that are coming. As I said, these are just some suggestions, one more attempt by Grandpa to influence his children! You can find all these beds online mdash; and at some great prices. That leaves only one question unanswered: What to do with the crib? Grandpa suggests that you hang on to it. You never know: Grandchild No. 3 could show up! Love, Grandpa.
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