Kw_Saturday School the Dallas soup kitchens offers the homeless to categories to, bad kids an
Stewpot soup kitchen die offer weekend categories for the Homeless, badly
12:00 AM CST on Wednesday, January 2, 2008
By KIM HORNER/ die The dallas, die news morning are
Die most kids could prevent an the idea of going to school on weekends, but the 120 does not worry themselves who The Stewpots weekly Saturday School. G.J. McCARTHY/DMN Martin Bavarian assistance 9-year old Henry Delgado read Bible a passage during one party for kids who worry themselves Saturday School. “it is very fun,” 10-year old Veronica Vargas said during die new Christmas, die for the class participants and their families party is. Their favourite topics: music, science, measured value, computer, gymnasium and art. Kw_of four it six brothers and sisters also worried themselves the program. “it helps the kids,” said their nut/mother, also Veronica Vargas. ” They’re much behaves itself learns and… they more better. They books receive, which assistance them with their measured value.” The Stewpot admits mostly for casing hundreds of of meals each day to the Homeless. But the, which is manufactured including die non-profit agency, die by first presbyterianisches Church city centre, many other services makes and the Saturday School program school children available fundamental for homeless and Kw_loweinkommen in the, area. The Stewpot surrounds, one of 21 agencies that use of the The dallas is, die news next love morning is, which, hat than $17,25 million since 1986 for hungry the the homeless and raised. Th e news pays all administrative costs, goes clothing so to 100 percent of the deliveries directly to to next love, die that die food to supply and, more shelter, urgency support, die Kw_jobfaehigkeiten, die and train, through January. 31 runs program the The news PAPERS guesses, but deliveries are valid all year Saturday School are sketched to prevent class participants of more falling out down the road and to create stability in their lives, said the Rev. Bruce Buchanan, Executivdirektor of The Stewpot. Kw_recently, hat the program English as second language categories children the for parents added, who is predominantly Hispanic, it said. Die most of the class participants comes the neighborhood from the fair south of into die city, which includes family a homeless more shelter. About 23 Homeless, the die of Dallas county die children is percent and according to one January overview by the Metro Dallas homeless alliance Saturday School class participants a safe place to spend the morning gives, said Suzanne Dwight, who runs the program. In addition to the computers received art, measured value, science, gymnasium categories, die and journeys, kids catch, breakfast and the lunch. “differently sitting they probably an outputwatching out TV,” ms Dwight said. “it learned in one fun environment.” The Stewpot also offer programs for high junior and high school class participants that include helps, for college and gel honouring SAMNESSES planning. ” We found that much of the kids, its parents, the die gone, to college and they not to have may is, which may is, is that going the die first person,” ms Dwight said. ” We’re a straight aid to assistance them through process.” Reina Diana said six of their eight children have gone to, Saturday School. She said the program their and other parents buy clothes for it children this year helped. “parents the of that and education They the concern about the kids ‘, so the parents can English learn,” she said. “it helps the kids so much.”
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