Tuesday, April 8, 2008

PepsiCo Game informs Mexican Kids over Nutrition

In one effort to fight to the fast-increasing problem obesity in the Mexican children PepsiCo a game caused hand, which kids over properly it eats informs Die irony is that die American beverage connection showed recently the finger to video games as prominent cause of childhood obesity.

It seems that Mexican children will possessed ge$$$WESEN particularly with soda, possibly, because 80% of schools result lack entrance to drinking more water and there become increasingly overweight. Obesity rate in kids, aged 5 to 11 risen 40% since 2000 has to have.

PepsiCo, die folks, the die soda form, which die clean kids on one daily basis, A tamagotchi like game developed, in order to help teach kids over the importance compensatory exercise with food consumption.

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